Recurrent Disability

Recurrent Disability This provision protects individuals who return to work, but become disabled again from the same or a related cause. If this situation occurs within a certain period of time, the insured is considered still disabled from the original disability and is not subject to a new elimination period. The recurrent disability provision encourages people to return to work without the fear of losing benefits if the disability continues. This clause stipulates that a worker can skip the mandatory elimination period if they experience the same or a related disability within six months of returning to work after a medical leave due to a prior disability. Recurrent disability clauses allows the insured to continue receiving their original disability benefits without a break in their payments. Recurrent disability provisions have time limits, and these time limits vary from policy to policy. If the disability recurs after the time limit, the claimant must file a new claim and will once again be subject to a waiting period. #benewinsurance #insurtech #inclusiveinsurance #insurance #reinsurance #takaful


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