Regular Occupation

Regular Occupation The term regular occupation refers to the insured’s job at the time the disability began. We will consider the duties of the occupation as it is normally performed in the general labor market in the national economy. Unfortunately, there is no general standard or definition for a “regular occupation.” Instead, different jurisdictions circuits have taken different approaches. This means that the definition of regular occupation will vary depending on where you live. Many long lerm disability (LTD) policies stipulates that if you are unable to perform your regular occupation you may be entitled to Long Term Disability benefits. Most people assume that if they become unable to perform their usual work on account of sickness or injury, that they would qualify to receive benefits under their work-sponsored long-term disability insurance coverage. That may not true in all cases. Generally the insurance carrier will look at the occupation as it is normally performed in the national economy, instead of how the work tasks are performed for a specific employer or at a specific location. The law may be applied in such a way that it could be determined by a vocational evaluation performed comparing the character of duties and training requirements of the claimants job with the various other jobs in order to define the parameters of the claimants regular occupation. Alternatively, the law can point out that insured could use the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. However, identified job must involve similar duties to be construed within your regular occupation. #benewinsurance #insurtech #inclusiveinsurance #insurance #reinsurance #takaful


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