Sum Insured Vs Sum Assured

Sum Insured Vs Sum Assured This two principles are based on the principle of indemnity, that provides a reimbursement/ compensation to damage/loss. It is that fixed amount that the insurer pays the policyholder in case of an eventuality. A sum insured is the amount that the insurance company pays to the policyholder in the case of an unpredictable event, such as an illness. Sum insured provides a cap on maximum damages that can be covered in a year in case of occurrence of any unforeseen event. The higher the sum insured is, the higher the amount that the insurance company has to be by the insurance company in event of a claim being made. Suppose Mr. Ben has a health insurance policy with a sum insured of 500. Now, he gets hospitalized and claims bills worth 380. The claim gets approved. Now again, due to some other reason, he gets hospitalized, and bills this time amounts to 200. Now the insurance company will pay only 1200, and the balance of 80 shall be borne by Mr. Ben himself. A sum assured is a cash benefit guaranteed by a life assurance policy. It is a fixed amount that is paid to the nominee of the plan in the unfortunate event of the policyholder's demise. The insurance company pays this money as per the sum chosen by you at the time of purchasing the policy. Most financial planners suggest that the sum assured should be 5-10 times your annual income. It depends upon the income of the person and typically a maximum of up to 10 times the annual income Some of the factors underwriters consider while selecting the sum assured are; age of the insured, her/his income, lifestyle and habits. The difference between sum assured and sum insured? Sum insured is the value applied to Non-life insurance. Sum assured is the value applied to Life insurance policies. It basically is based on the principle of indemnity, that provides a reimbursement/ compensation to damage/loss. It is that fixed amount that the insurer pays the policyholder in case of an eventuality. #benewinsurance #insurtech #inclusiveinsurance #insurance #reinsurance #takaful


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