Medical Examination

Medical Examination A medical examination and report are often part of the application process for disability insurance policies. The information becomes part of the contract and is attached to the policy. A life insurance health exam is a simple physical. It is part of the underwriting process, or the process your insurer ask you to go through in order to determine your specific characteristics and risks. Using this information helps them determine how much they will charge you for your insurance policy. A health check usually lasts around 20-30 minutes and is usually carried out by a nurse, but it could be another healthcare professional. You do not need to prepare anything in advance, but it’s always worth asking the health centre you are booked in with. During the check-up, you may be asked: -If close relatives have had the illnesses you’re being assessed for -If you smoke and how much -If you drink alcohol and how much -What your typical diet is like -How much exercise you do After this, you’ll undergo a series of simple tests and measurements, including: -Your weight and height to determine your body mass index (BMI) -Your waist may be measured -Your blood pressure will be taken using a cuff on your upper arm -A small sample of blood will be taken from your finger to check cholesterol and possibly blood sugar level. In most cases, you will receive the results immediately. You will be given a risk score (the higher the score the more likely you are to develop one of the illnesses) and will receive advice on how to adapt your lifestyle to lower risk. What happens after the medical exam is that if the insurer sees abnormal results that don't match your application, they might request a follow-up appointment. For example, if you have protein in your urine, they might request another test on a different day to get an accurate read. Otherwise, the technician will submit your information to the insurance company to complete the underwriting process. Usually, you will hear back with your actual quote within a few weeks, but the process can take up to six weeks. #benewinsurance #insurtech #inclusiveinsurance #insurance #reinsurance #takaful


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