Certificate of Liability Insurance
Certificate of Liability Insurance
A Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI), also known as a general liability insurance certificate or proof of insurance, is a document issued by an insurance company that verifies the existence and details of an active liability insurance policy. It serves as proof to a third party that a business or individual has the required insurance coverage.
It summarizes the key elements of your policy or multiple policies, assuring prospects and customers that your business is protected from common risks.
Insurance companies provide certificates of liability insurance for a variety of small business insurance policies, including:
-General liability insurance
-Business owner’s policy (BOP)
-Commercial auto insurance
-Errors and omissions insurance (E&O)
-Professional liability insurance
-Workers' compensation insurance
-A COI does not constitute the actual insurance policy and doesn't guarantee coverage for any specific claim. It merely verifies the existence and basic details of the policy.
-The specific information required on a COI may vary depending on the requesting party and the specific situation.
-It's essential to ensure the COI is valid and up-to-date when presenting it to a third party
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