Host Liquor Liability Insurance

Host Liquor Liability Insurance Host liquor liability insurance helps cover alcohol-related incidents and liabilities for small businesses that serve alcohol. Host liquor liability insurance protects businesses that don't manufacture, serve, or sell alcohol from the cost of liquor-related lawsuits. It is designed to protect companies that are hosting a social event, such as a company party, where the company is furnishing alcohol to guests or allowing people to bring their own drinks. Host liquor liability is often included in general liability Example of host liquor liability in action: An advertising firm is hosting a holiday party in the office, and provides alcoholic punch and food for the staff. Jill, an account executive, has too much to drink at the party. She is starting to slur her words and have a hard time keeping her balance. She decides she's had enough and leaves the party to drive home. On the way, she runs a stop sign and broadsides another car, causing substantial damage to the other car and driver, who suffers a neck injury and broken arm. The injured driver could sue the advertising firm for providing alcohol to Jill and allowing her to drive home. Since the advertising firm does not make or sell alcohol as part of its business operations, the host liquor liability insurance included in the firm's general liability policy should pay for the victim's medical bills and car repairs. It can also pay for a lawyer to represent the advertising agency in court if the victim sues, as well as any damages the court may order the company to pay to the victim. #BeNewinsurance #InsurTech #inclusiveinsurance #insurance #reinsurance #takaful #climatechange


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