Qualifying Event

Qualifying Event A qualifying event is any change in your business situation that affects your needs for insurance. A qualifying event is a change in your company’s situation that allows you to request policy modifications ahead of your next policy renewal. However, you must report these changes within two months of the event to be allowed to change your policy before its renewal. Insurance qualifying events are important because they allow you to request coverage changes without waiting for your next policy renewal. If your business changes and you don’t update your insurance coverage, you could be exposed to risk. What Are Some Common Qualifying Events? Your business could experience a qualifying event when it adds products or services, hires new employees, expands, or moves to a new building. Other examples of potential qualifying events include: -Changing ownership structure, such as moving from sole proprietorship to a limited liability corporation -Adding a new partner or merging with another company -Experiencing higher revenues -Buying expensive production equipment -Purchasing additional business vehicles #BeNewinsurance #InsurTech #inclusiveinsurance #insurance #reinsurance #takaful #climatechange


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