Invasion Of Privacy

Invasion Of Privacy Invasion of privacy is the violation of a person’s freedom to control their image and be left undisturbed in private spaces and conversations. Invasion of privacy is the intrusion of an unwanted individual or business into the private affairs of a person without consent. It’s one of the insurance risks for small businesses covered under the personal and advertising injury section of a general liability insurance policy or with professional liability insurance for some professions. How Can You Protect Yourself Against Invasion Of Privacy Charges? Several liability insurance policies provide coverage for invasion of privacy, including: -General liability -Directors and officers liability -Professional liability -Employment practices liability Make sure you have coverage for invasion of privacy claims in your liability insurance policies. Having an insurance safety net against privacy-related lawsuits will not only give you peace of mind, but it will also save you a lot of money should you ever get sued. Examples of invasion of privacy: torts (or wrongful acts) against businesses include misusing a person’s statements for marketing purposes, publishing someone’s likeness without permission, and making email or telephone communications without the opportunity for the recipient to opt out. Your liability insurance coverage could protect you from financial losses if you or your business is accused of one of these types of invasion of privacy #BeNewinsurance #InsurTech #inclusiveinsurance #insurance #reinsurance #takaful #climatechange


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